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7 Natural Ways to Speed Up Hair Growth


Several factors play a role in how fast hair grows, while some of which a person cannot change. Thin or thinning hair is a widespread condition. Men often experience hair loss from male pattern baldness, but both women and men may experience thin hair in their lifetime. However, there are some steps a person can take to slow down hair loss and improve the appearance of their hair.

How Fast Does Hair Grow?

According to different scientific research and studies, the average rate of hair growth is 0.5–1.7 centimeters in a month . The rate of growth can depend on a person’s genetics, age, hormones or sex.

Whether you’re struggling with brittle ends, thinning all over, or had a hairstylist that was a little too happy with the scissors, here are 7 natural ways to speed up hair growth for long, healthy hair.

7 Natural Ways to Speed Up Hair Growth

Massage Your Scalp

The act of stimulating the scalp could boost hair growth. A scalp massage helps promote relaxation and relieves stress, and also helps boost the health of your hair. A study in 2016 examined the effectiveness of daily, 4-minute scalp massages. After 24 weeks, the researchers found that the nine men involved in the study had thicker hair than at the start.

While the study didn’t show any noticeable difference in hair growth, it’s thought that a scalp massage may help dilate blood vessels beneath the skin. In other words, it may lead to thicker, stronger hair that’s less likely to break off or become damaged.

Trimming Hair Regularly

Regular trimming of hairs every 8 to 10 weeks ensures fast hair growth. The end of the hair usually gets damaged and rough, inducing split ends because of excessive dirt and sun. When your hair has regular trimming, those split ends get cut off and your hair can breathe, grow without any hurdle.

trim hair regularly


Maintain Healthy Diet

You are what you eat, so it’s time to dial in your nutrition if you want healthy hair. While a little pizza now and again won’t make your hair fall out, it’s the daily habits you need to watch. Processed foods, alcohol, and sugar can all wreak havoc on your hairline. So aim to trade these foods out with more whole foods like eggs, berries, nuts, seeds, fatty fish, yogurt, and greens.

Stress Management

Stress is a common cause of hair loss and can cause a condition known as telogen effluvium. This condition is typically triggered by a traumatic event, illness, or even recurring stress and causes excessive and sudden hair loss. On your hair growth journey, make stress management a priority. You could try exercise, meditation routine, or even getting outside for a walk. Find what works best for you, and aim to treat yourself to a bit of stress management every day.

Avoid Smoking

Smoking does affect your hair in some way. Smoking restricts blood flow to the scalp and follicles, which means it restricts the vital oxygen and nutrients that your hair and scalp need to be healthy. Also, the toxins from smoking can seep into the hair follicles and cause disruption.

Limit Heat Styling

Gorgeous-looking hair should never be at the expense of hair health. According to a 2011 study, heat from curling irons, hair dryers, and straighteners can damage your hair and cause breakage. While avoiding heat styling altogether may not be an option, you may want to try cutting down or limiting how often you use these tools. Decreasing the temperature of heated styling tools can also help reduce hair damage.

If you must use heat, try to gently towel and air dry your hair until it’s around 60% dry then use the hairdryer on a medium setting. Or invest in a high-quality hair protection spray to help keep your hair healthy.

Heat Styling tools


Use an LLLT device

In addition to taking the above tips, you can incorporate low-level laser therapy (LLLT), the FDA-Cleared method of treating hair loss and hair growth. The laser device comes in the form of a wand you point at the scalp or a cap you can wear, emits a constant red laser light, which is believed to reduce inflammation and increase blood flow to hair follicles.

According to a 2017 meta-analysis of studies published in the Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology, LLLT was found to be superior in regrowing hair, and the researchers concluded that LLLT is effective for promoting hair regrowth in male/female pattern hair loss.


LLLT hair device