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Children’s Hair Loss: Problems and Solutions

Hair loss or alopecia is not only a problem for adults, but also for children. Because hair loss may have a profound psychological effect on kids, it’s important to see a doctor for treatment. The good news is that, with a proper diagnosis, most cases of hair loss can be treated successfully.


hair loss in children

What can cause hair loss in a child?

Hair loss in children and adolescents can result from various conditions, which may be acquired or congenital and range in severity. Hair loss can present in otherwise healthy patients, or it can be a sign of underlying malnutrition, toxicity, or systemic disease. The most common reasons for hair loss among children are:

Alopecia Areata

It’s caused by the failures of the immune system, negatively affecting hair follicles. Alopecia areata can occasionally cause total baldness or very thin hair. Some children also lose their eyebrows and eyelashes. The bald spots that remain are usually smooth and skin-colored.

Telogen Effluvium

This form of temporary hair loss occurs after a physical or emotional shock, high temperature, etc. Typically the hair growth resumes within six months.


Trichotillomania is a disorder in which kids compulsively pull out their hair. Experts categorize it as a form of obsessive-compulsive disorder. Some kids pull their hair as a kind of release. Others don’t realize they’re doing it. In this case, the help of the psychologist is needed.

Tinea capitis

also known as ringworm of the scalp, it is a fungal infection often seen in children, and most often shows itself in the form of scaly spots on the child’s head as round or oval patches. The hairs may be broken off at the surface of the skin and look like black dots on the scalp.

If your child’s doctor suspects tinea capitis, a microscopic examination can confirm the diagnosis. Tinea capitis is treated with an antifungal drug taken by mouth for about eight weeks. Using an antifungal shampoo along with oral medication will prevent your child from spreading the virus to other kids and other members of the family.

Nutritional deficiency

Good nutrition is essential for a healthy body and hair growth. When kids don’t get enough vitamins, minerals, and protein, their hair can fall out. Hair loss can be a sign of eating disorders like anorexia and bulimia, as well as a side effect of a low-protein vegetarian or vegan diet.

children hair loss in patches


How To Take Care Of Children’s Hair?

Losing hair can be upsetting for anyone, at any age. But it can be especially traumatic for a child.

There are many reasons for hair loss in children. If you suspect a medical problem or have any concerns about hair loss, it’s important to call your child’s pediatrician.